
The SAGB Council is the overseeing governing body of the Association. Its role is to supervise overall policy direction and receive and consider reports from the Director and the SAGB Committees. The Council is also our formal link to the Fishmongers’ Company.

The SAGB liaises with our members through our dedicated committee structure.

The Crustacean Committee focuses on issues relating to crustacean species such as crab, lobster and Nephrops (also known as scampi or langoustines) and, despite being molluscs, the Committee also considers whelks due to their method of capture (potting).

The Processors Committee represents the interests of UK based processors or packers of shellfish throughout the entire shellfish market place, with respect to both UK produced and imported shellfish raw materials, irrespective of whether they are derived from wild capture fisheries or from aquaculture.

The Mollusc Committee focuses on issues relating to mollusc species including oysters, mussels, clams, cockles and increasingly octopus and squid.

Our Technology & Training Committee is the forum for discussing technical developments and strategic issues.

For the dates of our next Committee Meetings, please contact the Office

All members are welcome to attend the Committee meetings and can propose agenda items for discussion.

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