Getting to Grips with UK Shellfish

This month, UK shellfish expert and cook, Rosemary Williams, shares with us her journey and how through demonstrating how to prepare and cook all kinds of shellfish, she is slowly

A Suffolk Oyster Heritage

With the native oyster season in full swing now and the chance for many of use who’s passion involves a regular saline smack around the chops, this time of year

Hearts and Minds

As the Shellfish Promotion Project speeds its way through second and final year, the emphasis latterly has been on education and not just for adults either. Although we’ve focussed on

Queens of the Loch

During the past two years that the SAGB Shellfish Promotion Project has been running, we have focussed on both the wild capture and aquaculture sectors. Innovation features highly in both

Busting the myth

Our thanks this month to members The Big Prawn Co, who have kindly allowed us to reproduce this fascinating piece on cholesterol in shellfish. Widely perceived by many as actually