After many months in the making, we are delighted to be able to share final copies of the Codes of Practice for Crustacea Welfare. As you will know we have been working on these for the past couple of years – with Seafish, the Crab & Lobster Management Group. Sector panels were created to collectively advise. They truly are created by industry, for industry. Our thanks go to all those who participated in the creation of these codes, especially Seafish who coordinated the Project.
The Individual sectors are available independently and these are:
We hope that we can draw on industry’s support to help promote the codes throughout the whole shellfish supply chain. The intention is, over the next month or two, to add further information to help businesses demonstrate they are following the codes. Work is also underway to produce a short video for domestic consumers who buy live crustacea to cook at home.
The Steering Group (Seafish, SAGB & CMG) welcome any feedback you may have.
For a Compilation of the codes document see here